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Corporate Governance is a combination of systems, rules and practices that are directed at managing the affairs of the company and ensuring accountability. As part of its legacy and constitution, Alankit Limited focuses on achieving high standards of Corporate Governance and believes in its philosophy of transparency, commitment, fairness, accountability and dissemination of information that form the fundamentals of Corporate Governance.

The company strongly maintains and adheres to these core values of Corporate Governance in all areas of its operations. Alankit has steered several initiatives for maintaining the highest standards of Governance and believe that sound Corporate Governance is critical to enhance & retain stakeholders trust.

The Board of Directors of the Company is well-qualified, experienced and competent professionals. The Company’s Board comprises of 6 (Six) Directors and the constitution of Directors. There is an appropriate convening of board meetings on a regular basis along with a proper setup of committees of board of directors. Also, there are adequate internal financial controls and risk management in place and a formal pre-set code of conduct for the Directors and senior management is adopted by the Board.

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It has come to our notice that some other hoax Companies are engaged in making use of website similar to Alankit or and have created Websites like are being copied and being illegally and fraudulently used as BC /CSP Company and are also using images of our website / CSP Point of Alankit for illegal display on it. One such example is found in Case of Assam Gramin Bank, where we are not Corporate BC, still some miscreants have displayed banner of Alankit CSP reportedly working for Assam Gramin Bank and have, thus, criminally associated the CSP Point with Alankit. Alankit does not own any CSP Point at that publicised location.

These entities have done this illegal act for cheating and misleading people. While such fraudulent entities have been causing dent in reputation of both Alankit and Bank, they are playing foul with Customer’s confidence in Alankit and the Bank/s concerned. Common people are requested to please do not get into the trap of such fraudsters/illegal websites. Alankit will not be responsible for any claims that are arisen out of any act not related to the transaction/ activity done in association with Alankit.

हमे पता चला है कि फर्जी कम्पनिंया/ यूनिट हमारी वेबसाइट और इसके logo का दुरुपयोग कर ग्राहक सेवा केंद्र स्थापित करने जैसी जालसाजी का कार्य करके आम जनता को ठग रही है ! आम जनता को आगाह किया जाता है कि वे इनके झांसे में आने से बचें और उनकी ठगी का शिकार न बनें। अलंकित ऐसे किसी भी असामाजिक तत्व से किए गए किसी भी व्यवहार के लिए उत्तरदायी नहीं होगा।